Psalm 68:5-6

A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.

God sets the lonely in families, he leads forth the prisoners with singing; but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land.

I am Stepanie Nance. My family adopted two little boys with Down Syndrome from Ukraine in 2010. I hope to educate and to inspire you. I hope to make you laugh and to make you cry.

Come along for the ride. It's a wild one!

Thursday, August 26, 2010


I was appalled and heartbroken the first day that I met Theodore. What had happened to this sweet boy? Was he always so frighteningly thin?

I don't think so. I found an old photo of him on a poster in one of the grouppas. He was smiling and looked healthy. A little chubby even. Somewhere along the line something went terribly wrong. Maybe it was the wheat allergy. Maybe it was a bout of pneumonia.

Right now Theodore appears to be suffering from refeeding syndrome. His body and metabolism had deteriorated to the point that it couldn't handle the additional calories and nutrition that I was giving him. How could I have known? His blood chemistry is all messed up. He will have to have calories increased at a very slow rate while receiving supplemental phosphorous, potassium and more.

I really don't like being so far away from Theo. He's only been mine for a short time, but it truly feels like someone is missing here. I'm headed back in the morning to spend a few days with him. I need to rent a car so that James can have the van for all the other kids. The engine light is on in his work car, plus I don't really ever drive it anyway. I'm so not looking forward to the drive.

But I can't wait to see my beautiful son again!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oops! Had a typo!

    Oh, couldn't have known. I've been praying for little Theo all day. Praying your trip goes well and the docs find out everything they need to about him.

  3. please take him a nice teddybear..and just love on him hell know that your his mama and that your there for him and hes sick..sending huggs and prayer..

  4. What an awesome and loving God we have. He did NOT waste any time in getting you that appointment at the DS clinic b/c He had something to tell you...the refeeding syndrome. Of course you didn't many of us would have known unless we already knew about it? My first reaction would be to feed him all he wanted too. Little Theo may be a HERO for the next little orphan down the road who is in the same condition as he is teaching us new parents about something we never heard of. Safe travels, dear friend, on your drive to spend time with your sweet one. And prayers for safety for those staying home.

    The Other Steph

  5. oh your sweet boy :( hugs you couldn't have known

  6. Thank God you saved him from that place. At least he's just sick now, the alternative is unthinkable.

  7. I hope he gets better soon! I had never heard of refeeding syndrome until this month- I read about it on another adoption blog. Here is the address if you want to read their story-

  8. Of course you couldn't have known! Hope your baby gets better soon, he has you and your family to help him improve now =)

  9. I'm so sorry that you are going through this with your little guy... but know that you have taught at least one other soon to be adoptive mommy something!! I had NO idea either!! Know that I'm praying for you and your kiddos (& hubby too!)!! God will hold you all through this and soon it will be a distant memory!

  10. Stephanie,
    I just was catching up on your blog--I've been a single parent for the last 2 weeks so I've been out of the sorry to hear of your trials with Theo...we will keep him and your family in our prayers. Glad though that you are all home and together again. I can't wait for JOhn and our kids to get home soon.
    love in Christ,

  11. I wish I lived closer - I'd drive you there in a heartbeat!! Good luck with everything.

    Lisa (RR lurker)



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