Psalm 68:5-6

A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.

God sets the lonely in families, he leads forth the prisoners with singing; but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land.

I am Stepanie Nance. My family adopted two little boys with Down Syndrome from Ukraine in 2010. I hope to educate and to inspire you. I hope to make you laugh and to make you cry.

Come along for the ride. It's a wild one!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

October surprise!

Last night I was feeling very low. I was looking forward to a difficult day in today for one thing. For another thing I was feeling like I had failed Tori by not working harder to publicize her chip-in fundraiser.

I was really praying for the fundraiser to take off and fly and to raise a full grant for her adoption - $20,000 or more. BUT, I wanted God's work and not my salesmanship to get the credit, so I kept it pretty low key, pleading only with God. I had fears initially so I didn't even set a goal. Great faith, huh? not.

Even though I was disappointed, I felt like I had surely done the right thing and turned an iPod Touch into $2k for Tori. That's pretty successful, right?

Fast forward to today...Imagine my surprise after five hours in a doctor's office and seven hours of driving with three crabby little boys to find that...

Tori got a new grant!!

She is now fully funded!! See for yourself HERE.

How did that happen? I will likely never know. Many people were advocating and praying for her. Someone knew someone who knew someone else and so on. God has provided. What a fantastic version of an October surprise!!

I'll be turning my attention to the Reece's Rainbow Angel Tree over the next couple of weeks. I'm just trying to choose a child to work for, so stay tuned.

Now...let's see who steps forward to rescue Tori!


  1. Hello. Our former facillitator Olga could likely visit to check her status. I can connect you.

  2. SO EXCITING!!! When I saw the news, you are the first person I thought. If I had your cell phone number, I would have called you. :-) Hope you were able to get some answers today...

  3. Wow, this is just incredible!!! I am SO happy for Tori. And I have to say, there's a lot of amazing things going on at the RR site these days- childrens' grants growing by the day and lots of them finding their families... it's a joy to see :)

    Anyway, you did a great job for Tori too! And good luck with your Christmas Angel project. We signed up for Sonya and Arina, and it's so nice to do something so meaningful for Christmas :)

  4. Pay it back to me dear Stephanie... My dear Brady and Heath need FAMILIES! We can't do funds or money but we can keep them up front and in people's faces so that God can move in someone's heart. Rob and I are BOTH working on posts about them. Mine was going on today but I am taking the day to rejoice about Tori's money... pray for her family... and will post tomorrow. Piggy Back me. Advocate with me. My heart is so burdened for those boys!

  5. Stephanie,

    When I heard the news first thing this morning, I just about yelled in joy at my computer. In fact, I squealed! And then I cried tears of joy and thankfulness!

    You were a big part of raising funds and awareness for Tori. God has used you mightily! I can't wait to see what He does next!

    Kristin (gcmomblessed)



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