Psalm 68:5-6

A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.

God sets the lonely in families, he leads forth the prisoners with singing; but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land.

I am Stepanie Nance. My family adopted two little boys with Down Syndrome from Ukraine in 2010. I hope to educate and to inspire you. I hope to make you laugh and to make you cry.

Come along for the ride. It's a wild one!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Please pray...

You simply must read what my friend Julia has written HERE.

In fact, for your convenience I have decided to post the entire thing here for you. Because we know what we know and we have seen what we have seen, we have a great responsibility.


A few weeks ago I posted about a vote on a bill that would put a moratorium on adoptions in Aaron's former country. The bill passed once, but needs to pass a second time before it goes to the President and is signed into law. If the bill stays as it is written then adoptions in that country will come to a screeching halt. I've heard a lot of differing information, advice, thoughts etc. about when the second vote will take place. It is very possible that the vote will take place next week. Thanksgiving week. Some say November 22 and some say November 24. Some say it will not happen until spring. Only the Lord knows when that vote will take place. It is an extremely serious matter and we need to be praying hard that this bill will either not pass or that the wording of the bill changes so that adoptions, especially the special needs adoptions, will not be hindered. Consider the following:

  • Next Thursday is the LAST day this year when that country will be accepting dossiers until the end of February. This is a normal process that takes place each year. Those families who are not submitted in the next two weeks will have to wait until early next year for submission.

    If the bill passes and if it is signed as it it currently written:

  • Then those families who have been racing against time to get their dossier to that country by the cut off date will find all their work to have been done in vain.
  • All the families who are currently in that country and have met their child BUT HAVE NOT HAD COURT will be sent home.
  • All the families who have bags packed, plane tickets in hand and are ready to walk out the door to go get their children will not get to go.
  • All the families who have had all their paperwork submitted over there and are just waiting for a travel date will be left hanging.
  • All the families who have mailed their dossiers and are praying they will be accepted either this week or next week by the agency that processes adoptions will not be submitted.

There are about 30 Reece's Rainbow families in the above situations. 30 families who are hoping to bring home over 40 children. FORTY. There are over 40 other families who are working hard on their paperwork in order to be submitted early next year. We are talking over 100 SPECIAL NEEDS children who have families right now willing to sacrifice everything to get them home.

It is a battle. A spiritual battle that needs to be won. Four years ago these children were hidden from society. They were unwanted. They were dying in their cribs. Alone. But God has raised up an army of loving families who want these kids. They want the unwanted ones. They are shocking the orphanage directors, the nannies, the doctors and the social workers. Each time one of the 'least of these' is selected, they are making a powerful statement to the powers that be in this country and others that these little ones have value. They deserve life, love and families. They don't need to be discarded at the hospitals. They can grow and learn and thrive. Hearts are changing and the powers of darkness are not pleased. It is a spiritual battle. As the church is waking up, realizing its call in this forgotten realm, the battle lines are being drawn.

Pure and simple - we need to pray. We have on our side, a Mighty God. He is the One who has called the church to action and He is the One who is leading this battle. I have in my house the sweetest little guy because God placed it in on our hearts to GO GET HIM. Our call did not end when we walked off the plane. One child whisked out of darkness is not enough. We need to battle with the rest of the families who are fighting against the odds to get these children out. They have been called by God and we need to stand with them in prayer that NOTHING will prevent them for fulfilling His plans.

Pray church. Pray that the bill either doesn't pass or that it is reworded. Pray that God will continue to move in the hearts and minds and souls of each and every orphanage and institute director. Pray that the doors of these places would be flung open and that the church would be able to march inside. Pray that through the testimony of every single family who goes over there, that the system of discarding the special needs children would come to an end. Pray. Pray for the vote. Pray for the people God has put in place who are working around the clock to address the issue. Pray for the families. Pray for God's peace to reign in their hearts as they journey in this unknown. There are numerous other families who are trying to adopt in Aaron's former country who are also deeply affected by this vote. They are not Reece's Rainbow families but they are just as much in need of our prayer covering. We know many in this group and we agonize with them also. They too desperately need our prayers. This vote affects thousands of children stuck in a very harsh system. Pray not only for the families, but for God's call for you. Pray for discernment as you wrestle with whether God is calling you to adopt. Pray hard, church.

Those who are unable at this time to rescue a child, you are not off the hook. You are called to support the families who are going. You are called to GIVE. You are called to be an encourager, a supporter. You are called to pray. So pray. And lest you forget for whom we pray:

**I left the photos on Julia's blog. You can also see the hundred's of waiting children at Reece's Rainbow. **

All of the precious little ones pictured above need families. I can't look at their faces without wanting to cry. They are helpless, needy and desperately in need of your prayers and support.


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