Psalm 68:5-6

A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.

God sets the lonely in families, he leads forth the prisoners with singing; but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land.

I am Stepanie Nance. My family adopted two little boys with Down Syndrome from Ukraine in 2010. I hope to educate and to inspire you. I hope to make you laugh and to make you cry.

Come along for the ride. It's a wild one!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

This is the kind of child...

Meet Reagan. This is the kind of child...

...who lives in mental hospitals in Eastern Europe. Bright, intelligent, beautiful. Just like your own children I'll bet.

It's not fair. Reagan was condemned to a life without a family, without love, without comfort because of a medical condition. When her poorly funded invalid home would run out of soap and diapers she undoubtedly went without...well you can probably imagine.

Reagan's story has a happy ending because she was recently adopted by the Burman family. Her adoption was likely the first international adoption to take place from her institution. We'd love to see many more!

But what about the children who are still left behind? The bright and beautiful children? The slow or mentally impaired children, who are every bit as loved by our Creator? Can we simply go on with our busy lives and forget about them? God forbid.

This is where Project TLC comes into play. Your tax deductible gifts to Project TLC will go a long way toward improving the lives of the children at Belogorsk. We pray for loving families for them all, but if that never happens we will have done our best to make their lives more comfortable and meaningful.

1 comment:

  1. love it, Stephanie....God's is using you in miraculous ways :)



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