Psalm 68:5-6

A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.

God sets the lonely in families, he leads forth the prisoners with singing; but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land.

I am Stepanie Nance. My family adopted two little boys with Down Syndrome from Ukraine in 2010. I hope to educate and to inspire you. I hope to make you laugh and to make you cry.

Come along for the ride. It's a wild one!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Just you wait and see.

Today I'm grateful. And I'm angry. How is that possible?

I'm grateful to live in the United States of America. What an exceptional place! I never knew how wonderful it was until I got a look at some other places. For one thing, I'm grateful that we have the finest of medical care available.

Theo and Zhen, my two children adopted from Ukraine, were in the hospital this week. Theo was in shock on Sunday for an infection that had escaped attention too long. Zhen had outpatient surgery today for a congenital cataract. Both are doing great! I'm so pleased!

Yes, there were some inefficiencies and staffing issues with the hospital. However, on the whole both boys received great care. Theo's bloodwork showed liver and kidney damage on Sunday. I shudder to think what would have happened to him if he was living in the institution when he got sick. He might not have had a happy ending.

And Zhen would have NEVER had his eye surgery in his birth country. What for? That is the attitude. Why fix his eye? He is an invalid, he will never read or do anything.

So wrong.

The so-called invalid is presently experimenting with ways to get the tape off of his face. His tongue is nearly long enough to do the job!

So I'm angry, too. The surgery that Zhen had today to remove a congenital cataract, is generally done when a child is very young. It is done early so that the brain can develop normal vision. We do not know if Zhen will ever be able to see out of the eye that was fixed today. No guarantees at all.

He will have his good eye patched for 6 hours a day for the next 5-6 years. Yes, I said years. All to force his brain to use the previously unusable eye. How do you think he will tolerate this?

This aggravation could have been completely avoided if he had surgery as a baby. But in Ukraine, children with Down Syndrome and other differences are not receiving even the simplest of necessary medical procedures. If they live, they live. If they die they die. If they develop, great. If not, who cares?

So I'm angry.

And I'm going to do something about it. Just wait.


  1. Angry ritht along with you. And would love to join forces and do something about it. S glad to have read this post as my husband and I have been talking about this all week. So angering. Makes me want to scream, cuss and fight. Thank God your precious boys are here with you.

  2. You are an inspirational woman Stephanie.

    I love your blog!

    I am so glad that Theo and Zhen are with you, and can FINALLY receive the medical care they deserve. They are both precious and perfect angels, and it makes me really mad too that these kiddos don't get the medical care they need in their home countries.

    God bless,

    KM (Mom of 1 son who rocks his extra chromosome)

  3. I'm dealing with a lot of anger tonight too. Mine is over the US foster system and the state of Ohio ICPC that is driving me insane while I try to bring our son home from TX. The doctor's who won't right simple letters as requested are on the list too.

    I am also angry at how long it is going to take to get our 4 home from Eastern Europe and what they may be enduring there. Our Paula worries me the most there.

    Praying for your little ones as the recover, the ones left waiting, and all the parents trying to get children home. It is so sad that our world places so little value on these precious children. :(

  4. We're fighting the hospital system here in the US for our DS adopted son. I've run across one to many doctors who want to use him to "experiment". I'm sad that even here in the US, there are stereotypes and like you, long to do something about it.



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