Thank you for your generous gifts to Andrey's adoption grant fund. I love you all and your heart, but you know what gets me? It's those $5 donations. They almost bring me to tears sometimes because I always imagine that $5 is really ALL they could do, and it's not much but they did it anyway...ya know?
And then some of those gifts are from folks who are desperately raising funds to rescue their own children. May God bless you and take your gifts and multiply them like the loaves and fishes!!
This is the last day for this chip-in for Andrey. I'll end it at midnight central time tonight. Then I'll draw a name for the hardcover copy of The Boy from Baby House 10 that I'm giving away.
Maybe next time I'll give away something really exciting. You KNOW there will be a next time, right?
just popping by to see if i won!! ;)