Psalm 68:5-6

A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.

God sets the lonely in families, he leads forth the prisoners with singing; but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land.

I am Stepanie Nance. My family adopted two little boys with Down Syndrome from Ukraine in 2010. I hope to educate and to inspire you. I hope to make you laugh and to make you cry.

Come along for the ride. It's a wild one!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Let's take a walk...

I'm feelling pretty lazy now that my husband has gone home. There's so much to share, so much to write, so much to remember. Where do I even start?

I got a very late start this morning. There was a side projects that was on my mind that I needed to figure out. Got that done this mornin, then I had to force myself out of the apartment. I can't quite figure out why I was so reluctant to get going. Maybe it is that the visits are getting harder. Even though the judge has named us as their parents, they are under the care and supervision of the orphanage, so we play by their rules. Still.

I had my camera out on the walk up the hill to the orphanage. I snapped some photos of snails (they are all over the place here), flowers and the forest.

This forest area must be some sort of park. People are always walking dogs, hiking, picnicing, drinking, playing guitars and so on. If, and that is a big if, I were in the mood for a hike, I could hike through here and over a butte (bigger than a hill but smaller than a mountain) and end up at our apartment. I think.

Here is the footpath in front of the orphanage grounds. I walk this path four times a day.

On the outside looking in. I know, the graffiti almost spells Nance. I promise I haven't been tagging!!

Here are the gates. They are padlocked at night though there is a smaller gate to the side.

Walking up the driveway. Can you believe how green it is here? It's lush, almost like a jungle. The humidity is in the high 80% range much of the time.

Here we finally see the front door. Almost. It is behind the smaller of the two evergreen trees. Do you like the flowers? I'm so thankful for them. This place is so dreary, I can't imagine how much more dreary it would seem without them.

Zhen. I'm just another woman to him. He really, really misses daddy. And his face is a mess. Dermatitis...that's what the orphanage doc says. 75% of the kids here have it.

So. I know that I should just take it easy and slow. I should just love on the kids while we are here. Hold them and take it easy. But I just can't help myself! I see Theo growing stronger every single day!!

I'm working with weight bearing excercises with him. He gets so excited when he stands up straight and tall. No rubber chicken Down Syndrome legs on this boy! There are so many physical benefits to being able to stand. Just ask Barbara at TherExtras.

Today he felt so strong in my arms that I thought we might try the swing! He is honestly baffled here. He just wasn't feelin' it today. We will try again soon. (Doesn't he look like a tiny convict in his stripes, shaved head and cap?)

I don't know why, but I got a kick out of him grabbing his shoulder.

This is the smile that I get when I blow zerbers on his neck. I'm pretty sure that you can lower your blood pressure just by looking at Theo when he smiles.


  1. Oh, my! I've just been patiently waiting over at Ralphcrew! Thank you for calling me over by sending emissaries! Reading this blog is so joyous! How happy I am to know the boys will come home with you! Love, Barbara

  2. Wondering if it could possibly be scabies? Especially if most of the kids have it. Very treatable with a prescription cream. Yes, it does look like you have a little convict there in the striped shirt. Or maybe a little french sailor!Enjoy your blog, hoping you are all home very soon.

  3. think I said it all on the book, just wanted to pop in before bed to see if there was anymore on the boys ;-)

  4. Hi! I am Theresa and I found your blog via Maria's blog (I love you more than cookie's blog). Your boys are beautiful, and yes that smile is amazing! Good job momma for getting such a big smile out of him! :) It's great to see your joureny! God bless you all.

    (my new blog is



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