Psalm 68:5-6

A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.

God sets the lonely in families, he leads forth the prisoners with singing; but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land.

I am Stepanie Nance. My family adopted two little boys with Down Syndrome from Ukraine in 2010. I hope to educate and to inspire you. I hope to make you laugh and to make you cry.

Come along for the ride. It's a wild one!

Thursday, February 10, 2011


It's been a week.

How many families with glowing reports about her cuteness, intelligence, and personality does it take? Five is not enough?

Even the orphanage speech therapist loves her so much she is willing to let other families play with her and take *GASP!* contraband photographs!! Does this mean nothing?

How much free money for adoption expenses does it take? Is $17,000 is not enough? That kind of money will take you a long way in Masha's country!

Someone make me understand why this child is still waiting for a committed family. We hear it all the time...only money is keeping all the Reece's Rainbow children from loving families. Prove that.

I'm just taking this pretty personally. I love her. I'm not the only one, am I?


  1. No Stephanie, you aren't the only one... :( I pray for her everyday... I would go in a minute if I could...

  2. We'll continue to pray for Masha.

    I really wish we could do more, but we can pray.

    Hang in there, keep on advocating for her!


  3. I would go get her tomorrow if I thought I could handle one more child, and if thought I could leave my 16 month old that long to travel to the Ukraine! She is so precious, I think about her alot!

  4. Although Ukraine requires you be 21, RR requires you be 25, that takes us and quite a few others whom are interested out of the race.
    I pray for her daily and I wish there was something more that I could do, it is frustrating to feel so helpless.

  5. No, you are definitely not the only one! My heart breaks every day when I see she's STILL not on the My Family Found Me-page.

    And I agree with your thoughts on money, it's not the only factor. So happy that Alexander finally got his family, but he had a quite big grant for a loooong time, to no avail. And there are several others with big grants as well, still waiting...

    But Masha is nearly fully funded. And with all the advocating efforts made for her, I believe it will pay off. I just wish it happened yesterday :(

  6. I, too, feel stuck. It's been hard for me to sit back and watch these kids get transferred when we were willing and able. Our situation changed nearly overnight from one that was adoption-ready to "sit and wait". It wasn't so much the pregnancy (though that did make it more difficult...) as it was the military!! My husband literally had a 12 day notice that he was leaving! Most people get weeks to prepare! And it was a bit longer deployment than normal for his unit. But we are realizing that this deployment is a blessing because it has allowed us to save some money and it will advance his career (more $$ !!) And while it's definitely not all the money we'll need, it does help! God is preparing our family!

    I hope Masha finds a family soon though. She is such a sweet baby. :)

  7. It's hard to trust in God's timing when it doesn't seem to make any sense. I wake up at night thinking of litte Masha, praying for her. You are not the only one. Please don't stop.
    Hopefully one day, Reece's Rainbow children will be available to those of us in Western Canada, but for now all I can do is pray.

  8. Genesis 22. Have a little faith.

  9. You should not despair. I've had a number of people e-mailing and asking about her... Serious questions. Eddie too. I'm terrified about what is happening with the Burmans... any news??

  10. Julia, didn't I read on your blog that the Burmans got Tori just fine? What's going on?


  11. I, too, thought the Burmans got Tori!?? I have been very touched by all I have heard about Masha, and the photos of her! I have decided that I am going to do a fund-raiser for her. Can you guide me on the "chip-in" thing? please email me at Thanks!

  12. I read on a blog just now that Masha has a family. Praise God!!

  13. Hooray, we can rejoice at last!
    I am so incredibly happy and relieved for Masha. I am keeping my fingers crossed that her family is able to go get her quickly.



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